Wednesday, December 20, 2017

October 2017 {PART TWO}

Last but not least, the rest of October :) Never a dull moment at our house!

Happy 5 months to our sweet not-so-little squish! She is quite the happy little chunk and her reflux is improving more and more daily. She is tearing up baby food and loves sweet potatoes & bananas most. She is about 21 lbs and wearing 12 month clothes with a top toupe of curls! She has quite the bold personality, is a champ at soothing herself to sleep, and loves to catch some air in her jumper! Daddy singing Moana and The Wheels On The Bus song is her jam. This girl has healed my heart so much and is the perfect addition to our family!

We just can't get enough of this cute girl! A day full of simple moments is the best!

So I've never been a "baby wearer" or even fond of the idea. It doesn't help that I have chunky babies that don't like to be swaddled or confined! ha ha But my friend Jamie introduced me to this lille baby carrier and it is the best! Seriously.... Grocery shopping with both girls?! Sayyyy whaaaaaat?!

We sure soaked up all the amazing sunny weather! We hit up the park and the girls had a ball. Savannah even loved her first time on the swings!

 I love the rare moments when I can get some one on one time with my Adalynn girl! How am I even old enough to have a daughter to ride bikes with?! Seriously blows my mind! We rode all over and of course Rainbow Dash had to ride in her bike carrier seat. We even got to do some sidewalk chalk afterwards before sister woke up from her nap. She is growing up so fast and is as smart as a whip. Love her to pieces!! 

It's not everyday that I have bathroom pics to share, but she was hammin' it up in that seat! I was cracking up!

Preschool Pictures 2017-2018

Teething is in full swing and that means extra middle of the night snuggles! Doesn't keep her from those sleepy giggles though! She is so perfect.

Such a happy morning squish!

Playdate with sprinkle doughnuts and goldfish. Sounds pretty legit to me!!

Ugh teething is life right now.... Her and that ring are buds for sure!

Fun Fall walk with the girls around the neighborhood! We sure have been spoiled with gorgeous weather and will be so sad to see it go very soon!

Adalynn sure had a fun day at her Preschool Harvest Party! Olaf even showed up and Miss Sharon, the director of the preschool, was the tooth fairy. The kids trick or treated to all the classrooms, did fun games, went on a pumpkin hunt, and had yummy treats. While all the other kids meticulously spread frosting on their graham crackers to then put sprinkles on top, Adalynn didn't mess around and spread it right in her mouth ha ha! Girl knows how it's done! We sure love her Preschool and even more her sweet teacher Miss Kristine! She is so patient and Adalynn LOVES her to pieces!

Saturday shenanigans....squeaky clean!!

Trunk or Treat & chili dinner! Perfect ending to our Saturday! Adalynn was thrilled to march in the costume parade, play games, and get candy. Jordan even handed out candy to the kids in his best Batman voice. It was hilarious! Even moms were coming over to take videos of their kids with him talking ha ha! So much fun! 

I wasn't thrilled to be woken up at 1am, but this turkey was just too cute! She was giggling and cackling and ready to play! All smiles! What a sweet moment of motherhood. I still stare at her remembering the several times a day I would anxiously listen to her heartbeat, praying she would make it here safely. And now I look at the happy healthy chunk I get to snuggle and my heart could quite honestly explode....

The girls sure love their daddy! Melts me completely!

Always stylin' and HAS to have a necklace on ;)

Pumpkin carving! Who knew it would involve so many tears?! She still calls it "seaweed" and still hates getting "dirty." It was all I could do to keep from laughing while videoing! Oh if only cleaning out pumpkins was the worst thing in

Kicked off Halloween this morning with spider web pancakes! Adalynn thought that was super cool and didn't want me to cut her spider so she could eat it. She was convinced I could just put syrup on it right in her hand ha ha Riggggghhht! 

Adalynn is such a good big sister and always wants to help and hold Savannah! I can only imagine the best friends these two girls will become very soon :)

I had an awesome productive morning between a totally clean house, laundry going, and homeade chili in the crockpot. Jordan has been working his hiney off and called to tell me that he was coming home early so we could enjoy the beautiful weather together! We were so excited! We took the girls walking down at the greenbelt trail. The sky couldn't have been more blue and beautiful! Adalynn had fun riding her trike and collecting all sorts of rocks, pine cones, and colored leaves. Speaking of leaves, we found some HUGE ones that were bigger than our face! They were SO pretty, I wish there was something I could use them for. We have been blessed with such a beautiful Fall here in the PNW! I *almost* felt guilty for sporting capris and no jacket...

H A L L O W E E N 2017 
Poppy made her THIRD and last appearance for candy! She was so cute running from house to house. She would look to make sure there was a light on or decorations first and then yell, "this one is ready!" Savannah was happy go lucky in the pack, yet talked and grunted SO loud the whole time! Everyone was laughing. After trick or treating and checking out her candy, she snuggled up with Daddy to watch Incredibles! With TWO FULL buckets of candy, Adalynn is set for a looooong time even after the "parent tax!" Love my family! 

Adalynn kept a little baggie of candy and did a candy buy back for the rest to send to the soldiers overseas. She used the money to buy an Ariel barbie!